Write For Us Tips Guest Post Guidelines

Submit a post, tip or ask a question by sending me an email.

Submitting a Guest Post

Everyday EMS Tips regularly accepts posts health blog "write for us" from guest authors. View recent posts from Guest Bloggers. Before emailing me with your guest post idea please review these submission steps.

Step 1: Are you an EMS Professional or Student?

Guest posts from active EMS professionals or students are always preferred. If you are a first responder, EMT, Paramedic, EMS Student, or another type of EMS professional please bypass the next step and go directly to Step 3.

All others interested in posting on this blog please review Step 2.

Step 2: Contribute to the National EMS Memorial Bike Ride

Non-EMS professionals that would like to have an article posted on Everyday EMS Tips please browse to the National EMS Memorial Bike Ride and click on Support the Ride. If there is another EMS related cause you would rather contribute to just let me know.

After making your contribution proceeds to Step 3 (please send me your contribution receipt).

Note: EMS professionals you are also welcome to contribute to the National EMS Memorial Bike Ride, but that is not a requirement for you to guest post on this blog.

Step 3 : General Guidelines

Guest blog posts should follow these general guidelines:
Content relevant to EMS professionals. If you aren’t sure email me your idea before you start writing.
Article types – field and education tips, product and book reviews, podcast links and descriptions, instructional videos, patient case studies, mental and physical fitness.

Style and format is typically a short introduction followed by a bulleted or numbered list of tips or three to five paragraphs of content relevant to the introduction and post title. .

Finish with a call to action, question to encourage reader comments, or a link to additional resources.
Post length of 50-700 words. Posts more than 300 words (give or take) may be split into multiple posts.

Previously posted content is accepted.

Include a three to five sentence biographical statement with up to two links to your blog, website, or social media profiles, etc.

Step 4: Submit your Article
Submit your article to me by email

Step 5: Promote your Article

When your article is posted join me in promoting through your social networks and channels.
Everyday EMS Tips  also publishes eBooks. If you have content that might be appropriate to include in one of our eBooks or as a stand-alone eBook email me so we can discuss content and format.
I would also welcome your suggestions for authors to interview for the Medical Author Chat podcast.
Contributors to the NEMSBR

These guest bloggers have contributed to the National EMS Memorial Bike Ride:

Phillip Pressley


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